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Matt Wuerker - Tuesday January 7, 2014 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Matt Wuerker - Tuesday January 7, 2014 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 500x417 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 3968565

WUERKER © Politico. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Poetic Justice. Slouching Toward Sequestration. Turning and turning in the budget war mire The Court's fiscal woes are turning quite dire. To cut budgets further you'd have to be jerks. Things fall apart without lawyers and clerks. Rough justice is coming if we don't get more dough. Sequester the monster is out of control. He was created to scare us into budgets austere. The blind beast fills the land with nothin' but fear. Yes the monster and I share political lineage of free-market zealots and GOP patronage. But so what if my lament seems a tad ironic. This sequester's a monster and the crisis is chronic!