All Comics
1 and Done
9 Chickweed Lane
AJ and Magnus
Ali's House
Alley Oop
Amanda the Great
Arlo and Janis
Aunty Acid
Baby Blues
Barkeater Lake
Berger & Wyse
Berkeley Mews
Big Top
Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog
Bob the Angry Flower
Bob the Squirrel
Breaking Cat News
Brian McFadden
Calvin and Hobbes
Cat's Cafe
Cathy Classics
Cattitude — Doggonit
Chuck Draws Things
Citizen Dog
Clay Jones
Close to Home
Cow and Boy Classics
Cul de Sac
Dark Side of the Horse
Day by Dave
Deep Dark Fears
Dinosaur Comics
Doodle for Food
Doodle Town
Edge City
Everyday People Cartoons
Eyebeam Classic
F Minus
Family Tree
For Better or For Worse
Four Eyes
Fowl Language
Frank and Ernest
Fred Basset
Freshly Squeezed
Get Fuzzy
Ginger Meggs
Grand Avenue
Haircut Practice
Half Full
Heart of the City
Henry Payne
Home and Away
Home Free
Hot Comics for Cool People
In the Bleachers
Ink Pen
Jake Likes Onions
Jeff Stahler
Jerry King Comics
Junk Drawer
Kid Beowulf
La Cucaracha
Lalo Alcaraz
Laughing Redhead Comics
Lay Lines
Learn to Speak Cat
Life on Earth
Little Fried Chicken and Sushi
Looks Good on Paper
Loose Parts
Lucky Cow
Mannequin on the Moon
Matt Davies
Matt Wuerker
Messycow Comics
Mexikid Stories
Mike du Jour
Mike Lester
Mike Peters
Miss Peach
Moderately Confused
Mother Goose and Grimm
Mr. Lowe
Mutt & Jeff
Nancy Classics
Next Door Neighbors
Non Sequitur
Not Invented Here
Our Super Adventure
Over the Hedge
Pat Oliphant
Peanuts Begins
Pearls Before Swine
Perry Bible Fellowship
Pooch Cafe
Poorly Drawn Lines
Prickly City
Questionable Quotebook
Randolph Itch, 2 a.m.
Real Life Adventures
Reality Check
Rebecca Hendin
Red and Rover
Richard's Poor Almanac
Rip Haywire
Ripley's Believe It or Not
Rob Rogers
Robbie and Bobby
Robert Ariail
Rose is Rose
Sarah's Scribbles
Sherman's Lagoon
Shortcuts Classic
Sketchshark Comics
Small Potatoes
Snow Sez
Spirit of the Staircase
Steven V. Roberts
Sticky Comics
Stone Soup
Stuart Carlson
Sunny Street
Swan Eaters
Tank McNamara
Ted Rall
Ten Cats
The Adventures of Business Cat
The Argyle Sweater
The Awkward Yeti
The Big Picture
The Boondocks
The Born Loser
The Buckets
The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day
The Daily Drawing
The Dinette Set
The Duplex
The Elderberries
The Flying McCoys
The Fusco Brothers
The Grizzwells
The Knight Life
The Lockhorns
The Postscript
The Wandering Melon
The Worried Well
Today's Szep
Tom the Dancing Bug
Tom Toles
Too Much Coffee Man
Uncle Art's Funland
Views of the World
Viivi & Wagner
W.T. Duck
Wallace the Brave
Win, Lose, Drew
Working Daze
World of Wonder
Wrong Hands
Yeah It’s Chill
[#<Feature:0x00007f19dcec9f30 @id=1424, @name="1 and Done", @short_name="1-and-done", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Eric Scott"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="oad", @copyright="1 AND DONE © Eric Scott. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcec9828 @id=358, @name="9 Chickweed Lane", @short_name="9chickweedlane", @about_html="<p>A rarity in the comics, <i>9 Chickweed Lane</i> spotlights music and dance with superb artistry that complements Brooke McEldowney's strong-minded characters.</p>", @creators=["Brooke McEldowney"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cw", @copyright="9 CHICKWEED LANE © Brooke McEldowney. Used By Permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All Rights Reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcec9030 @id=1503, @name="@Tavicat", @short_name="tavicat", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Rikki Simons", "Tavisha Wolfgarth-Simons"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tav", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcec8ab8 @id=200, @name="Adam@Home", @short_name="adamathome", @about_html="<p>The adventures of Adam Newman: a family man who's left the rat race in search of the perfect work-life balance ... and the world's best coffee.</p>", @creators=["Rob Harrell"], @main_category="technology", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ad", @copyright="ADAM @ HOME © by ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcec8478 @id=1516, @name="AJ and Magnus", @short_name="aj-and-magnus", @about_html="AJ & Magnus is comic about family. Our characters and strips are fictionalized versions of our own family and experiences, for better or worse. At the end of the day we just want people to smile and see the world is made up of so many people who all want the same things deep down inside, no matter what their outside may look like. AJ & Magnus is written by Bryan Steel and illustrated by Simon Steel.", @creators=["Bryan and Simon Steel"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ajm", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced3c38 @id=1519, @name="Ali's House", @short_name="alis-house", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Marguerite Dabaie", "Tom Hart"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ah", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced3558 @id=805, @name="Alley Oop", @short_name="alley-oop", @about_html="<p><i>Alley Oop</i> is the classic caveman comic strip revolving around the irrepressible Alley Oop, who travels from prehistoric Moo all the way to the 21st century in his friend Doc Wonmug's time machine.</p>", @creators=["Jonathan Lemon", "Joey Alison Sayers"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ao", @copyright="Alley Oop @ UFS, Inc. Used By Permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced2f18 @id=1561, @name="Amanda the Great", @short_name="amanda-the-great", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Amanda El-Dweek"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="atg", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced28b0 @id=930, @name="Andertoons", @short_name="andertoons", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mark Anderson"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="and", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced2360 @id=467, @name="Arlo and Janis", @short_name="arloandjanis", @about_html="<p>From the ugly sofa that is the center of the \"Arlo & Janis\" universe, this shapeshifting comic strip has been just about everywhere, from unvarnished human drama to flights of unfettered comic fantasy, from unabashed pathos to pithy observational wit. The characters Arlo and Janis have played the parts of mermaids, squirrels, alligators and grasshoppers over the years, all while exploring the unexaggerated human condition and managing to become one of the most believable families in the funny pages. This unique approach has garnered Arlo and Janis an intelligent and engaged readership and guaranteed that a percentage of it will be confused and disgruntled at any given moment.</p>", @creators=["Jimmy Johnson"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="aj", @copyright="ARLO & JANIS © Johnson. Used By Permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All Rights Reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced1c30 @id=1236, @name="Aunty Acid", @short_name="aunty-acid", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Ged Backland"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="aun", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced16b8 @id=1712, @name="Baby Blues", @short_name="babyblues", @about_html="Baby Blues has enchanted new parents, grandparents and kids alike since it first appeared on the comics pages in 1990. As the years passed, the list of newspapers carrying the feature has grown almost as fast as the MacPhersons' kids!", @creators=["Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bab", @copyright="© Baby Blues Bros, LLC, dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced12d0 @id=1520, @name="bacon", @short_name="bacon", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Lonnie Millsap"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bacon", @copyright="BACON © Lonnie Millsap. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced0d58 @id=204, @name="Baldo", @short_name="baldo", @about_html="<p>The ground-breaking comic <i>Baldo</i> follows the lives of a Latino teen, Baldo Bermudez, and his warm and humorous family in modern-day America.</p>", @creators=["Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ba", @copyright="BALDO © Baldo Partnership. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced0718 @id=3, @name="Barkeater Lake", @short_name="barkeaterlake", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Corey Pandolph"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bark", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced00d8 @id=1068, @name="Beardo", @short_name="beardo", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Dan Dougherty"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bdo", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcedb988 @id=1065, @name="Berger & Wyse", @short_name="berger-and-wyse", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Pascal Wyse", "Joe Berger"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="baw", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcedb2a8 @id=1353, @name="Berkeley Mews", @short_name="berkeley-mews", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Ben Zaehringer"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bmew", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcedad08 @id=468, @name="Betty", @short_name="betty", @about_html="Betty is a smart, savvy comic character who is unapologetically ordinary, happy and female. Betty is a truly modern woman - a wife, mother and working woman.", @creators=["Gary Delainey", "Gerry Rasmussen"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bt", @copyright="BETTY © Gerry Rasmussen and Gary Delainey. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceda6c8 @id=220, @name="Big Top", @short_name="bigtop", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Rob Harrell"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="top", @copyright="BIG TOP © Rob Harrell. Used by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced9fe8 @id=211, @name="Biographic", @short_name="biographic", @about_html="<p><i>Biographic</i> combines Steve McGarry's bold, realistic artwork with succinct biographies of today's hottest stars.</p>", @creators=["Steve McGarry"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="biov", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced9980 @id=25, @name="Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog", @short_name="bleeker", @about_html="<p><i>Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog</i> is a charming, high-tech take on the classic story of a boy and his dog.</p>", @creators=["Jonathan Mahood"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="blk", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced9048 @id=1732, @name="Bob the Angry Flower", @short_name="bob-the-angry-flower", @about_html="Bob the Angry Flower is an alt-weekly strip about politics, science, religion, pop culture, and our universal need not to step in poop. If it exists, chances are there's a searingly insightful and hilarious Bob the Angry Flower cartoon about it!", @creators=["Stephen Notley"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="btaf", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dced8878 @id=26, @name="Bob the Squirrel", @short_name="bobthesquirrel", @about_html="<p><i>Bob the Squirrel</i> combines a cranky squirrel, an obsessive compulsive cartoonist, and the woman who loves the cartoonist and tolerates the squirrel. Clearly, hijinks ensue.</p>", @creators=["Frank Page"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bob", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee37c8 @id=1700, @name="Bozo", @short_name="bozo", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Foxo Reardon"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="boz", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee30c0 @id=1330, @name="Breaking Cat News", @short_name="breaking-cat-news", @about_html="“Cats reporting on news that matters to cats.”", @creators=["Georgia Dunn"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bcn", @copyright="BREAKING CAT NEWS © Georgia Dunn. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee2a80 @id=816, @name="Brevity", @short_name="brevity", @about_html="<p><i>Brevity</i> is amusingly idiosyncratic and often uproariously funny. The single-panel comic takes bizarre and unexpected detours through pop culture and modern society, delighting in witty wordplay and situations so absurd you have to laugh.</p>\r\n", @creators=["Dan Thompson"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bvp", @copyright="BREVITY © Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee22b0 @id=1289, @name="Brian McFadden", @short_name="brian-mcfadden", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Brian McFadden"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bm", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee1860 @id=1192, @name="Buckles", @short_name="buckles", @about_html=nil, @creators=["David Gilbert"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="kfbk", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee0690 @id=1305, @name="Bully", @short_name="bully", @about_html="Bully is a comic strip expressed entirely by images, starring Bully, a surly French bulldog and Bob his diminutive owner. Bully and Bob share a love/ hate relationship as Bob tries to avoid the wild life at all costs, while Bully craves it.", @creators=["Andrew Paavola"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bully", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceebcc0 @id=901, @name="Buni", @short_name="buni", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Ryan Pagelow"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="buni", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceeb4f0 @id=344, @name="Calvin and Hobbes", @short_name="calvinandhobbes", @about_html="One of the most famous and popular comic strips of all time, Bill Watterson's <i>Calvin and Hobbes</i> has been a timeless worldwide favorite since its introduction in 1985. The beloved comic follows the richly imaginative adventures of 6-year-old Calvin and his trusty tiger, Hobbes. Whether you enjoyed it as a child while expanding your vocabulary, as an adult in the newspaper or if you are reacquainting yourself with these cultural icons, <i>Calvin and Hobbes</i> will continue to astound and delight you. \r\n\r\nFollow the official Calvin and Hobbes accounts on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter</a> to hear about publishing news, events and giveaways involving a boy, his pet tiger and their brilliant creator. \r\n\r\n<i>Calvin and Hobbes</i> is not available domestically for syndication. It is only available for syndication to international clients.", @creators=["Bill Watterson"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ch", @copyright="CALVIN AND HOBBES © Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=true>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceeaf28 @id=1659, @name="Cat's Cafe", @short_name="cats-cafe", @about_html="Everyone is welcome at Cat’s Café! There is always a seat and someone to talk to. Follow Cat, Penguin, and Rabbit along with a variety of other special animals, form a wonderful place where everyone can feel warm, fuzzy, and accepted.", @creators=["Gwen Tarpley"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ccf", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceea9d8 @id=170, @name="Cathy Classics", @short_name="cathy", @about_html="A comic page heroine struggles with the four basic guilt groups: Food, Love, Mother and Career.", @creators=["Cathy Guisewite"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ca", @copyright="CATHY © Cathy Guisewite. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceea500 @id=1498, @name="Cattitude — Doggonit", @short_name="cattitude-doggonit", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Anthony Smith"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="catt", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee9ec0 @id=1667, @name="Chuck Draws Things", @short_name="chuck-draws-things", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Chuck Mullin"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cdt", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee97b8 @id=225, @name="Citizen Dog", @short_name="citizendog", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mark O'Hare"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cd", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee9178 @id=1500, @name="Claw", @short_name="claw", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cathy Law"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="claw", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcee8520 @id=242, @name="Clay Jones", @short_name="clayjones", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Clay Jones"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="crcjo", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef3f38 @id=228, @name="Cleats", @short_name="cleats", @about_html="As any soccer mom or dad knows, the sport has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years, especially among young people! Kids will love a comic about one of their favorite sports, and parents will relate to the comic's ever-supportive band of carpooling, game-attending, ref-scoffing parents. Join this group of pals, parents and coaches in their favorite game: soccer! Cleats also follows the gang’s adventures in other sports. Playing tennis, baseball, golf, gymnastics, skateboarding and more, the kids and their parents laugh their way through games and practices.", @creators=["Bill Hinds"], @main_category="sports", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cle", @copyright="CLEATS © Bill Hinds. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef39e8 @id=227, @name="Close to Home", @short_name="closetohome", @about_html="<p><i>Close to Home</i> is a fun look at zany characters and situations that feel strangely familiar.</p>", @creators=["John McPherson"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cl", @copyright="CLOSE TO HOME © John McPherson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef32b8 @id=1, @name="Compu-toon", @short_name="compu-toon", @about_html="<p>High tech and low tech meet and do battle on the stage of Charles Boyce's <i>Compu-toon</i>.</p>", @creators=["Charles Boyce"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tmcom", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef2ca0 @id=39, @name="Cornered", @short_name="cornered", @about_html="How do you react when you're cornered? Talk your way out, prepare for battle or insist you're just fine and dandy? Mike Baldwin's \"Cornered\" characters reflect the full spectrum of these reactions - all the while doing their very best to be taken seriously. From dark to light to blindingly brilliant, the results delight, amuse or even confuse - but it's well worth the risk. No one's ever lost an eye reading \"Cornered\" (aside from one reader who got WAAAY too close - you know who you are). In the end it's discovering the inconvenient truth of being \"Cornered\" that sets you free. \r\n", @creators=["Mike Baldwin"], @main_category="health", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="co", @copyright="CORNERED © Mike Baldwin. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef2700 @id=784, @name="Cow and Boy Classics", @short_name="cowandboy", @about_html="<p><i>Cow and Boy</i> explores the unlikely friendship of Billy, a regular boy who enjoys fishing, biking and hanging out with his best friend named Cow, who just happens to have four stomachs and a set of udders.</p>", @creators=["Mark Leiknes "], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cb", @copyright="COW AND BOY CLASSICS © Mark Leiknes. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef21b0 @id=1660, @name="Crabgrass", @short_name="crabgrass", @about_html="Crabgrass is a comic strip set in the early 80's about what it means to be best friends during a time before cellphones, the internet and so-called \"helicopter parenting\". If you ever wonder how you managed to survive your own childhood: Crabgrass remembers.", @creators=["Tauhid Bondia"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cbg", @copyright="CRABGRASS © Tauhid Bondia. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef1918 @id=271, @name="Crankshaft", @short_name="crankshaft", @about_html="Since its debut in 1987, Crankshaft has engendered reader loyalty with its engaging storylines and Crankshaft’s muddled aphorisms. Created by Tom Batiuk and drawn by Dan Davis, the strip is a spin-off of Batiuk’s immensely popular high school comic, Funky Winkerbean. Written in the same “narrative humor” vein as Funky, the strip offers plenty of humor, but also tackles tough issues like adult illiteracy, Alzheimer’s disease and school violence.", @creators=["Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cs", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef12d8 @id=944, @name="Crumb", @short_name="crumb", @about_html=nil, @creators=["David Fletcher"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="crumb", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef0888 @id=226, @name="Cul de Sac", @short_name="culdesac", @about_html="Welcome to the absurdly wonderful world of the Otterloops. Where world-renowned picky eating, manhole-cover dancing and driving the world's smallest street-legal car are all part of the day-to-day beauty of this transcendent comic strip. ", @creators=["Richard Thompson"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cds", @copyright="CUL DE SAC © Richard Thompson. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefbf08 @id=1731, @name="Curses", @short_name="curses", @about_html="Wilma’s neighbors have forced her and her family to move away from civilization and seek refuge in a small cottage in the woods. All because Wilma turned their children into mice when they annoyed her!\r\nIn their new home, Wilma and her brother, Edwin, meet other outcasts such as Pixel the tech-addicted fairy, Keith the musical ghost, and their reclusive neighbor, Mr. Foot. Wilma’s new friends try their best to help Wilma overcome her temper, but their various eccentricities make patience a real challenge! \r\n", @creators=["Chelsea Carr"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cur", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefb710 @id=721, @name="Dark Side of the Horse", @short_name="darksideofthehorse", @about_html="Behold, an un-pale horse with no name. Oh, wait. His name is Horace. And he's sarcastic. And silly. And lives in an infinitely expandable world. And sometimes gets slapstuck. And day after unpredictable day he boldly goes where no horse -- let alone a comic strip -- has gone before. Yes, there are sidekicks; a bird, a lady horse, a never-seen neighbor. And if the post-it note did not exist, Samson would have had to invent it so Horace would have yellow panels in which to play. Welcome to the bright side of the world. May the horse be with you.", @creators=["Samson"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dsh", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefaf40 @id=1733, @name="Day by Dave", @short_name="day-by-dave", @about_html="These are the days of the week… with your host, Dave! Dave will be your guide as we celebrate every national ‘whatever’ day it is, usually focusing on the silly ones. And some of the more obscure days. Dave’s goal is to give you a laugh and maybe even… make your day!", @creators=["Dave Whamond "], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dave", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefa900 @id=1304, @name="Deep Dark Fears", @short_name="deep-dark-fears", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Fran Krause"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ddf", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefa2c0 @id=1196, @name="DeFlocked", @short_name="deflocked", @about_html="DeFlocked stars four of the most incompatible characters to ever come together on the comics page. Like a modern day Seinfeld meets Animal Farm, DeFlocked takes on the familiar to the highly ridiculous in our everyday lives. This fresh character-driven strip captures both young and old audiences with its winning combination of pop culture humor and classic sitcom-inspired relationship comedy. \r\n", @creators=["Jeff Corriveau"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dft", @copyright="DEFLOCKED © Jeff Corriveau, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef9b18 @id=1322, @name="Dinosaur Comics", @short_name="dinosaur-comics", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Ryan North"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dco", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef9258 @id=1562, @name="Doodle for Food", @short_name="doodle-for-food", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Megan McKay"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dff", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef8c18 @id=1290, @name="Doodle Town", @short_name="doodle-town", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Melissa Lomax"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dot", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef86a0 @id=311, @name="Doonesbury", @short_name="doonesbury", @about_html="Articulate, abrasive, political, compassionate, misunderstood, misprinted and outrageous -- never complacent. Garry Trudeau is America's premier social and political satirist.\r\n\r\n", @creators=["Garry Trudeau"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="db", @copyright="DOONESBURY © G. B. Trudeau. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcef8150 @id=470, @name="Drabble", @short_name="drabble", @about_html="<p>The <i>Drabble</i> family has tickled readers' funny bones with outrageous antics for two decades. The lighthearted family strip chronicles the zany mishaps of his offbeat characters, especially goofball college student Norman Drabble and his donut-eating father Ralph.</p>", @creators=["Kevin Fagan"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dr", @copyright="DRABBLE © Kevin Fagin. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceffa90 @id=1495, @name="Edge City", @short_name="edge-city", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Terry and Patty LaBan"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ec", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dceff3b0 @id=751, @name="Endtown", @short_name="endtown", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Aaron Neathery"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="end", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefeca8 @id=1529, @name="Everyday People Cartoons", @short_name="everyday-people-cartoons", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cathy Thorne"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="epc", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefe668 @id=1488, @name="Eyebeam", @short_name="eyebeam", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Sam Hurt"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="eye", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefe0a0 @id=1585, @name="Eyebeam Classic", @short_name="eyebeam-classic", @about_html="Eyebeam is a strip that regularly blends the mundane with the surreal. Eyebeam is a law student, and later a lawyer, who tinkers with his time machine in his spare time. He struggles to balance his relationships with his girlfriend Sally, his hapless housemate Ratliff, and his own personal hallucination, Hank. As a unique artifact of Eyebeam’s psyche, Hank is the most private of figures, so it’s problematic when he decides to run for public office.", @creators=["Sam Hurt"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="eyec", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefdc18 @id=814, @name="F Minus", @short_name="fminus", @about_html="<p><i>F Minus</i> is a single panel comic strip that is utterly bizarre, boldly absurd and thoroughly hilarious. The approachable artwork and comic inversion of everyday life found in <i>F Minus</i> have made it a proven hit with young adults, and the strip was chosen by more than 200,000 college students as the winner of the \"mtvU Strips\" contest.</p>", @creators=["Tony Carrillo"], @main_category="engineering", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fm", @copyright="F MINUS © Tony Carrillo. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefd808 @id=785, @name="Family Tree", @short_name="familytree", @about_html="<p>Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Signe Wilkinson brings her unique style and famous irreverence to the comics page with <i>Family Tree</i>, a sophisticated contemporary family comedy.</p>", @creators=["Signe Wilkinson"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fmt", @copyright="FAMILY TREE © Signe Wilkinson. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefd1c8 @id=818, @name="Farcus", @short_name="farcus", @about_html=nil, @creators=["David Waisglass and Gordon Coulthart"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="far", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefcc50 @id=316, @name="For Better or For Worse", @short_name="forbetterorforworse", @about_html="Lynn Johnston's heartwarming tales of everyday life have made the Pattersons North America's most beloved cartoon family. \r\n", @creators=["Lynn Johnston"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fb", @copyright="FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE © Lynn Johnston Productions. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcefc570 @id=1267, @name="Four Eyes", @short_name="four-eyes", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Gemma Correll"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="feye", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf07ec0 @id=1460, @name="Fowl Language", @short_name="fowl-language", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Brian Gordon"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fowl", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf07948 @id=346, @name="FoxTrot", @short_name="foxtrot", @about_html="<p><i>FoxTrot </i>chronicles the Fox family and their typical suburban life. If by typical life you somehow meant iguanas, math jokes, World of Warcraft references and one-upmanship in the sibling prank department.</p>", @creators=["Bill Amend"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ft", @copyright="FOXTROT © Bill Amend. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf073f8 @id=1297, @name="Francis", @short_name="francis", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Patrick J. Marrin"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fran", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf06e80 @id=315, @name="Frank and Ernest", @short_name="frank-and-ernest", @about_html="<p><i>Frank & Ernest</i> stars Frank and Ernest, playful punsters with the ability to appear as any person, place or thing in any time period. The constant element is the pair's \"frank and earnest\" iconoclastic attitude.</p>", @creators=["Thaves "], @main_category="money", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fk", @copyright="FRANK & ERNEST © Thaves. Used By permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf068e0 @id=471, @name="Frazz", @short_name="frazz", @about_html="<p><i>Frazz</i> by Jef Mallett follows the adventures of an unexpected role model: an elementary-school janitor who's also a Renaissance man.</p>", @creators=["Jef Mallett"], @main_category="sports", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fz", @copyright="FRAZZ © Jef Mallett. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf06368 @id=125, @name="Fred Basset", @short_name="fredbasset", @about_html="<p>This adorable little basset hound is a courteous, considerate and well-mannered English character who brings a classic touch to any comics page. También disponible en Español.</p>", @creators=["Alex Graham"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tmfba", @copyright="FRED BASSET © Alex Graham. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf05e18 @id=776, @name="Freshly Squeezed", @short_name="freshlysqueezed", @about_html="<p><i>Freshly Squeezed</i> is a refreshing look at newfound family togetherness after the economic collapse.</p>", @creators=["Ed Stein"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fs", @copyright="FRESHLY SQUEEZED © Ed Stein. Used By permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf05710 @id=1741, @name="FurBabies", @short_name="furbabies", @about_html="There are pet parents and there are parents who are pets!\r\n\r\nKate Buffet (pronounced boo-fay), an imaginative nine-year-old girl, lives in an apartment in The Big City with her parents Selmer and Loray, who work long and late. Kate spends much of her time with her second blended animal family: Stella the poodle, Shawm the Afghan hound, their puppy Sirius, and Floof the kitten—who can all speak with her. They deal with issues of species identity, frequency of baths, and whether food tastes best served at the table or on the floor.", @creators=["Nancy Beiman"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fur", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf05170 @id=322, @name="Garfield", @short_name="garfield", @about_html="<p>He's a wise-cracking, nap-taking, coffee-guzzling, lasagna-loving, Monday-hating, dog-punting, spider-whacking, mailman-mauling fat cat. He's Garfield -- the world's most hilarious (and popular) feline!</p>", @creators=["Jim Davis"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ga", @copyright="GARFIELD © Paws, Inc. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf04a68 @id=819, @name="Geech", @short_name="geech", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Jerry Bittle"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ge", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf04518 @id=473, @name="Get Fuzzy", @short_name="getfuzzy", @about_html="At the center of this warm and fuzzy romp is Rob Wilco, a single, mild-mannered ad executive and guardian of anthropomorphic scamps Bucky and Satchel.", @creators=["Darby Conley"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="gz", @copyright="GET FUZZY © Darby Conley. Used By permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0fe90 @id=32, @name="Ginger Meggs", @short_name="gingermeggs", @about_html="Ginger Meggs has been entertaining generations of readers since 1921. Australia's favourite boy is ready to take on school, bullies and the world with a special blend of boyish adventure and Down Under charm.", @creators=["Jason Chatfield"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="gin", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0f850 @id=1714, @name="Globetrotter", @short_name="globetrotter", @about_html="Travel expert. Wanderlust. Adventurer. Excursionist. Professional selfie taker. Stylish sundress and sunhat wearer. Influencer.\r\n \r\n…None of the above. Chloe is self-proclaimed Globetrotter with ZERO travel experience, who will be one of the first women of colour to visit every country in the world.", @creators=["Ainsley Ashby"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="glo", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0f1e8 @id=791, @name="Graffiti", @short_name="graffiti", @about_html="<p><i>Graffiti</i> is a witty play on words with a clever, often ironic message.</p>", @creators=["Gene Mora"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="gf", @copyright="GRAFFITI © Gene Mora. Used By permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0ec70 @id=472, @name="Grand Avenue", @short_name="grand-avenue", @about_html="<p><i>Grand Avenue</i>, the daily and Sunday comic strip by four-time Pulitzer finalist Mike Thompson, follows the antics of an energetic pair of fraternal twins being raised by their grandmother.</p>", @creators=["Mike Thompson"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="gr", @copyright="GRAND AVENUE © Steve Breen and Mike Thompson. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0e720 @id=1669, @name="Haircut Practice", @short_name="haircut-practice", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Adam Koford"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="hair", @copyright="HAIRCUT PRACTICE © Adam Koford. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0e0e0 @id=1259, @name="Half Full", @short_name="half-full", @about_html="Half Full is a wonderful comic that delivers Maria Scrivan’s worldview with freshness and confidence. Its wry and irreverent perspective on everyday life will appeal to audiences of all ages—in all walks of life.", @creators=["Maria Scrivan"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="hf", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0db40 @id=330, @name="Heart of the City", @short_name="heartofthecity", @about_html="One of Nerdist's Best Comics of 2020!\r\n\r\nHeart is a girl with big dreams and a love of drama. She lives with her mom, Addy, in Philadelphia, and has always had the support of her best friends Dean and Kat. Heart of the City follows Heart into a new phase of her life, filled with new challenges, new milestones, new friends and new adventures.", @creators=["Steenz"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="hc", @copyright="HEART OF THE CITY © Mark Tatulli. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0d500 @id=808, @name="Henry Payne", @short_name="henrypayne", @about_html="Henry Payne creates sharply drawn editorial cartoons from a conservative viewpoint. Called \"the Thomas Nast of his time\" by The National Review magazine, Payne is an informed journalist whose investigative writing has also made national headlines.", @creators=["Henry Payne"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="payn", @copyright="PAYNE © Detroit News. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0ce20 @id=76, @name="Home and Away", @short_name="homeandaway", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Steve Sicula"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wphaa", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0c7e0 @id=1719, @name="Home Free", @short_name="homefree", @about_html="Home Free chronicles the comedic misadventures of one family's never-ending quest to remodel their home. The chaotic renovations force the Szabos to camp out in their backyard for what they hope will be a short stint, but which stretches into a perpetual ordeal that upends their lives.", @creators=["Tom Toro"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="hmfr", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf0c178 @id=1468, @name="Hot Comics for Cool People", @short_name="hot-comics-for-cool-people", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Brandon Sheffield", "Dami Lee"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="hccp", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf17b18 @id=212, @name="In the Bleachers", @short_name="inthebleachers", @about_html="Whatever your athletic interest, golf, baseball, running, or basketball and whether you haven’t picked up a ball since high school or you’re a serious sports fanatic, everyone can see the humor and irony highlighted by In the Bleachers. Ben Zaehringer helps us laugh at ourselves and those in the professional spotlight by drawing attention to the comedy of sports.", @creators=["Ben Zaehringer"], @main_category="sports", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bl", @copyright="IN THE BLEACHERS © Steve Moore. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf17348 @id=332, @name="Ink Pen", @short_name="inkpen", @about_html="<p>An insider's look at the hilarious world inside a cartoon-character employment agency.</p>", @creators=["Phil Dunlap"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ink", @copyright="INK PEN © Universal Uclick. Reprinted with permisssion of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf16c18 @id=1603, @name="Jake Likes Onions", @short_name="jake-likes-onions", @about_html="Jake Likes Onions is a humorous comic strip about the painful march towards death (also known as \"life\"). Alternately bizarre and depressing, it has quickly become one of the Internet's most mildly popular comics. ", @creators=["Jake Thompson"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="jlo", @copyright="JAKE LIKES ONIONS © Jake Thompson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf165d8 @id=809, @name="Jeff Stahler", @short_name="jeffstahler", @about_html="Jab, poke, stick, skewer, prod, pinch, slice, dice, lambaste, lampoon, belittle, slap, wallop, ridicule, scorn, mourn, embrace, criticize, satirize and eulogize. This is the unique language of veteran Ohio political cartoonist Jeff Stahler.", @creators=["Jeff Stahler"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="stah", @copyright="STAHLER © Jeff Stahler. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf15ae8 @id=1725, @name="Jerry King Comics", @short_name="jerry-king-comics", @about_html="Jerry King is an award-winning and prolific nationally syndicated cartoonist who began drawing cartoons before he was even enrolled in kindergarten.\r\n \r\nHis cartoons are published around the world because his sense of humor appeals to people of all walks of life. His humor covers a wide variety of everyday, relatable subjects and themes, including, but not limited to political, office, technology, relationships, sports, and health and fitness.\r\n \r\nKing’s clients include Disney, Playboy, American Greetings, and dozens of magazines and newspapers, including National Enquirer and the Wall Street Journal.\r\n \r\nHe also illustrates for children and golf books; draws cartoons for media websites and businesses and spends his free time at a local farmer’s market on weekends drawing caricatures of people’s pets.\r\n \r\nKing has been recognized by George W. Bush and Bill Clinton; earned the Locher Award for Top Collegiate Editorial Cartoonist while he was a student at The Ohio State University; and won the National Cartoonist Society Gag Cartoon Award.\r\n \r\nKing is also an Army veteran, where he was recognized as the No. 2 Army Cartoonist in the world.", @creators=["Jerry King"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="jer", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf15188 @id=474, @name="JumpStart", @short_name="jumpstart", @about_html="<p>Packed with humor and heart, <i>JumpStart</i> is a modern comic strip with a classic feel. At the core of the <i>JumpStart</i> family is Joe Cobb, a big-city cop, his wife, Marcy, a nurse in a bustling Philadelphia hospital, their daughter Sunny, son Jojo and infant twins, Tommi and Teddy. This family oriented strip, which has been running since 1989, is one of the most popular African-American comics in syndication history.</p>", @creators=["Robb Armstrong"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="jt", @copyright="JUMP START © Robb Armstrong. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf14b20 @id=1664, @name="Junk Drawer", @short_name="junk-drawer", @about_html="Junk Drawer is a single panel comic that celebrates failed endeavors. There are no consistent characters or settings, instead there is an ongoing theme of finding humor in situations gone wrong. Much like a junk drawer you might find in someone’s home, this comic is a collection of charms that may not have a use but are valuable anyway. Looking at each one of these comics, it’s clear that there is not going to be a good outcome. But at least it’s funny.", @creators=["Ellis Rosen"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="jun", @copyright="JUNK DRAWER © Ellis Rosen. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1fe58 @id=1315, @name="Kid Beowulf", @short_name="kid-beowulf", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Alexis E. Fajardo"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="kb", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1f458 @id=773, @name="KidSpot", @short_name="kidspot", @about_html="Designed to challenge young readers, Kidspot provides a daily puzzle in a variety of formats, including crosswords, connect-the-dots, rebuses and compare-the-pictures.", @creators=["Dick Rogers"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ks", @copyright="KIDSPOT © Dan Thompson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1ed50 @id=339, @name="La Cucaracha", @short_name="lacucaracha", @about_html="<p><i>La Cucaracha</i> uses humor to take aim at the tensions between whites and Latinos both near the border and in everyday life.</p>", @creators=["Lalo Alcaraz"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lc", @copyright="LA CUCARACHA © Lalo Alcaraz Dist. by ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1e3c8 @id=164, @name="Lalo Alcaraz", @short_name="laloalcaraz", @about_html="<p>Lalo Alcaraz takes a no-holds-barred approach to editorial cartoons, with sharp drawings and an unerring sense of justice.</p>", @creators=["Lalo Alcaraz"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="la", @copyright="LALO ALCARAZ © Dist. by ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1d810 @id=1591, @name="Laughing Redhead Comics", @short_name="laughing-redhead-comics", @about_html="Laughing Redhead Comics is a funky mix of characters, from this world and the next, who say whatever is on their minds. From Random Confessions, to Death’s Life, and Jesus Be Like, Whaaat?!, you’ll get to know Monesha, Vespertina, Death, Lady Gaaah!, and Iris . . . all from the quirky mind of The Laughing Redhead. ", @creators=["Teresa Logan"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lrc", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1cde8 @id=1361, @name="Lay Lines", @short_name="lay-lines", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Carol Lay"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lli", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf1c230 @id=1360, @name="Learn to Speak Cat", @short_name="learn-to-speak-cat", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Anthony Smith"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lsc", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf27c70 @id=1613, @name="Life on Earth", @short_name="life-on-earth", @about_html="Life On Earth is an absurdist take on the human condition and how it relates to the natural and not-so-natural world.", @creators=["Ham"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="loe", @copyright="LIFE ON EARTH © Ham. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf27158 @id=162, @name="Lio", @short_name="lio", @about_html="<p>Lio is a very unusual boy in a very unusual world, and his macabre adventures are all in good fun. También disponible en Español.</p>", @creators=["Mark Tatulli"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lio", @copyright="LIO © Mark Tatulli. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf26668 @id=1309, @name="Little Fried Chicken and Sushi", @short_name="little-fried-chicken-and-sushi", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Khalid Birdsong"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lfc", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf25ba0 @id=118, @name="Lola", @short_name="lola", @about_html="Everyone's grandma may not be as witty as Lola, a sharpshooter who's busy living life to the fullest and making sure everyone else does too.", @creators=["Todd Clark"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ll", @copyright="LOLA © Todd Clark. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf24818 @id=1370, @name="Looks Good on Paper", @short_name="looks-good-on-paper", @about_html="As if America needed another off the wall comic feature, along comes LGOP. You didn’t ask for it, they didn’t ask for it, but apparently long-time cartoonist Dan Collins thought someone must have asked for it. Well, actually, GoComics asked Dan for it so you can lay the blame squarely at their feet. Fortunately for us, they neglected to give Dan any guidelines or parameters to stay within (always a mistake with cartoonists) and left him to his own devices which leaves us with his free roaming, humorous take on whatever pops into his head. Basketball playing eyeballs, Amish Yodas, biker cat gangs, frogs who eat out; there’s just no telling what you’ll see next in his little patch of the internet.\r\n\r\nSo if you like your comics throwing you curveballs from left field, you’re in the right ball park. His gags are set on stun, his engines are warped and he will boldly go where no other comic strip has gone before. He’ll kiss green alien girls and violate the Temporal Prime Directive if he has to to get a laugh. He’s like the Capt. Kirk of comics only not as handsome, or brave, or smart. He does however make a wicked Vulcan Tuna Mind Melt sandwich. \r\n", @creators=["Dan Collins"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lgop", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf24110 @id=117, @name="Loose Parts", @short_name="looseparts", @about_html="Loose Parts is the two-time Reuben Award-winning comic featuring oddball people and animals embroiled in a variety of humorous (and ridiculous) situations. Intelligent, witty, and unrelentingly clever, Loose Parts presents an alternative perspective that is inherently funny. ", @creators=["Dave Blazek"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tmloo", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2fbf0 @id=475, @name="Luann", @short_name="luann", @about_html="<p>Readers of all ages love <i>Luann</i>, a strip that brings to life the daily drama of being a young woman through Greg Evans' insightful humor and true-to-life characters.</p>", @creators=["Greg Evans and Karen Evans"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lu", @copyright="LUANN © GEC Inc. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2f420 @id=341, @name="Lucky Cow", @short_name="luckycow", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mark Pett"], @main_category="animal", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="luc", @copyright="LUCKY COW © Mark Pett. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2ea20 @id=1455, @name="Lunarbaboon", @short_name="lunarbaboon", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Christopher Grady"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lb", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2e098 @id=1615, @name="M2Bulls", @short_name="m2bulls", @about_html="Editorial cartoons by Marty Two Bulls; Politics and satire must have been born from the same mother or at the very least from the same father. The long tradition of editorial cartoons is rich with talented artists devoted to political satire, a craft that shares the same power of the politician… It speaks to the people.\r\n\r\nTwo Bulls is a Native American Indian and has focused his satire at political issues that affect his Native people. But you don’t have to be Native to share his humor because the issues he chooses to pen tend to affect us all.", @creators=["Marty Two Bulls Sr."], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mtb", @copyright="M2BULLS © Marty Two Bulls Sr. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2d828 @id=191, @name="Maintaining", @short_name="maintaining", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Nate Creekmore"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="main", @copyright="MAINTAINING © Nate Creekmore. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2ce00 @id=1698, @name="Mannequin on the Moon", @short_name="mannequin-on-the-moon", @about_html="Mannequin on the Moon is a one panel comic about everything from the moon to mice. Ian Boothby and Pia Guerra enjoy space, relationships, television, clichés, tropes, comic books, time travel, saunas, fairy tales and obscure facts about otters (their fur is so dense that their skin never gets wet). If it makes them laugh it’s probably going to end up here. \r\n\r\n", @creators=["Ian Boothby and Pia Guerra"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="moon", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2c608 @id=476, @name="Marmaduke", @short_name="marmaduke", @about_html="Marmaduke is America's most lovable Great Dane. Created by Brad Anderson, the classic comic canine has delighted newspaper readers since 1954. Marmaduke lives with the Winslow family, who, try as they might, just can't seem to get him to obey.", @creators=["Brad Anderson"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ma", @copyright="MARMADUKE © Brad Anderson. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf2c220 @id=116, @name="Matt Davies", @short_name="mattdavies", @about_html="<p>Incisive social and political commentary with distinctive style from a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist.</p> ", @creators=["Matt Davies"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tmmda", @copyright="DAVIES © Newsday. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf37d28 @id=762, @name="Matt Wuerker", @short_name="mattwuerker", @about_html="A rich visual style and keen eye on the political circus, served up with cartoons that are not just funny but also artful.", @creators=["Matt Wuerker"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wu", @copyright="WUERKER © Politico. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf37788 @id=1636, @name="Messycow Comics", @short_name="messy-cow", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Chen Weng"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mcow", @copyright="MESYCOW COMICS © Chen Weng. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf37238 @id=1663, @name="Mexikid Stories", @short_name="mexikid-stories", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Pedro Martin"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mex", @copyright="MEXIKID STORIES © Pedro Martin. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf36a40 @id=1078, @name="Mike du Jour", @short_name="mike-du-jour", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mike Lester"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mdj", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf36400 @id=932, @name="Mike Lester", @short_name="mike-lester", @about_html="Mike Lester is a former commercial advertising and children’s book illustrator-turned-editorial cartoonist. Not the reverse. A consistent conservative with a distinctive line, who supports gay marriage if it saves one baby from abortion (he is adopted). ", @creators=["Mike Lester"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wpmle", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf35dc0 @id=111, @name="Mike Peters", @short_name="mike-peters", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mike Peters"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mpe", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf357a8 @id=1641, @name="Miss Peach", @short_name="miss-peach", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mell Lazarus"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="pch", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf35078 @id=802, @name="Moderately Confused", @short_name="moderately-confused", @about_html="<p><i>Moderately Confused</i> is a laugh-out-loud daily humor panel from award-winning editorial cartoonist Jeff Stahler.</p>", @creators=["Jeff Stahler "], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mcf", @copyright="MODERATELY CONFUSED © Jeff Stahler. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf34b28 @id=779, @name="Monty", @short_name="monty", @about_html="This award-winning, quirky comic strip created by Jim Meddick in 1985 spoofs suburbia, trashes tacky TV shows and offers absurdist commentary on everything from hosing down spider monkeys to the latest conspiracy theory.", @creators=["Jim Meddick "], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mt", @copyright="MONTY © Jim Meddick. Used By permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf344e8 @id=1735, @name="Mother Goose and Grimm", @short_name="mother-goose-and-grimm", @about_html="Once upon a time, long ago (1984) and far away (sunny Florida), an award-winning editorial cartoonist (Mike Peters) created a hilariously funny comic strip (Mother Goose and Grimm) that features a rough and tumble bull terrier (Grimmy), his absentminded caretaker (Mother Goose) and their storybook friends (Snow White, Rapunzel, Pinocchio, Dracula, and many other folk and fairy tale heroes and heroines).", @creators=["Mike Peters"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mgg", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3fcd0 @id=1369, @name="Mr. Lowe", @short_name="mr-lowe", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mark Pett"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ml", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3f7f8 @id=184, @name="Mutt & Jeff", @short_name="muttandjeff", @about_html="<p><i>Mutt & Jeff</i> continues to attract audiences around the world who appreciate clean, straightforward humor that doesn't depend on local cultural awareness.</p><p>También disponible en Español.</p>", @creators=["Bud Fisher"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="mutt", @copyright="MUTT & JEFF © Pierre S De Beaumont. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3f1e0 @id=806, @name="Nancy", @short_name="nancy", @about_html="Created by Ernie Bushmiller in the 1930s, <i>Nancy</i> is famed for its gentle humor and surrealistic sight gags.", @creators=["Olivia Jaimes"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="nc", @copyright="NANCY © Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3eab0 @id=1363, @name="Nancy Classics", @short_name="nancy-classics", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Ernie Bushmiller"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="nccl", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3e3d0 @id=1502, @name="Next Door Neighbors", @short_name="next-door-neighbors", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Pat Sandy"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ndn", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3de58 @id=182, @name="Non Sequitur", @short_name="nonsequitur", @about_html="<p>Never boring, and always topical, <i>Non Sequitur</i> takes a wry look at the absurdities of our modern life.</p>", @creators=["Wiley Miller"], @main_category="legal", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="nq", @copyright="NON SEQUITUR © Wiley Ink, Inc.. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3d818 @id=1470, @name="Not Invented Here", @short_name="not-invented-here", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Bill Barnes and friends"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="nih", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3d340 @id=1662, @name="Our Super Adventure", @short_name="our-super-adventure", @about_html="History\r\nSarah and Stef started dating long distance back in 2011, and shortly after, Sarah started making some scrappy black and white comics about their relationship. Over the next few years, they moved in together, and starting going to comic shows around the UK, where Sarah started selling small collections of the black and white comic strips! In 2013, Sarah started making the comics in full colour, and in 2015 decided to run a Kickstarter campaign to collect 200 full colour comics into a nice chunky hardcover book. The Kickstarter went super well, even becoming one of the UK's top 10 most backed and most funded comics Kickstarter projects as of that year!\r\n\r\nSarah continued to post Our Super Adventure comics alongside her other comics work, including writing and drawing a five-issue official Rick and Morty mini-series \"Lil' Poopy Superstar\", and creating an original comic series, Kim Reaper, for publisher Oni Press. Stef started to work with Sarah in 2017, taking on lettering and colour assistant duties.\r\n\r\nIn 2018, they ran a second Kickstarter for Our Super Adventure Volume 2: Video Games and Pizza Parties! A second collection of 200 comics. This one did even better than the first, and again found itself in the UK's top 10 most backed and most funded comics Kickstarter projects to date. They also started to work with Oni Press on a wider retail release for the first two Our Super Adventure books, with both books hitting shelves as of 2019!\r\n\r\nCurrently, Sarah and Stef are still making Our Super Adventure strips weekly, as well as working on other comic projects, running an online store, and making appearances at comic conventions in the UK and the US when they can! \r\n", @creators=["Sarah Graley and Stef Purenins"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="osa", @copyright="Sarah Graley and Stef Purenins. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3cdf0 @id=477, @name="Over the Hedge", @short_name="overthehedge", @about_html="<p><i>Over the Hedge</i> takes a freshly skewed look at suburban living from the perspective of the animals who lived there first.</p>", @creators=["T Lewis", "Michael Fry"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="oh", @copyright="OVER THE HEDGE © M Fry & T Lewis. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3c918 @id=347, @name="Overboard", @short_name="overboard", @about_html="Man overboard! Follow the high-seas misadventures of this shipload of malcontents, incompetents and laggards. Even the mice get into the act.\r\n", @creators=["Chip Dunham"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ob", @copyright="OVERBOARD © ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf3c3c8 @id=179, @name="Pat Oliphant", @short_name="patoliphant", @about_html="The dean of the editorial cartooning profession.", @creators=["Pat Oliphant"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="po", @copyright="OLIPHANT © ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf47ea8 @id=757, @name="Peanuts", @short_name="peanuts", @about_html="If ever there is an iconic comic strip, it is Peanuts. What began in the funny pages in 1950 has developed into an enduring classic. Whether you're persnickety like Lucy, a philosopher like Linus, a joyous Flying Ace like Snoopy, or a lovable underdog like Charlie Brown, there is something to touch your heart or make you laugh in Peanuts. ", @creators=["Charles Schulz"], @main_category="psychology", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="pe", @copyright="PEANUTS © Peanuts Worldwide LLC. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=true>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf47188 @id=1357, @name="Peanuts Begins", @short_name="peanuts-begins", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Charles Schulz"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="pecl", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf46c10 @id=479, @name="Pearls Before Swine", @short_name="pearlsbeforeswine", @about_html="<p>At its heart, <i>Pearls Before Swine</i> is the comic strip tale of two friends: an arrogant Rat who thinks he knows it all and a slow-witted Pig who doesn't know any better. Together, this pair offers caustic commentary on humanity's quest for the unattainable.</p>", @creators=["Stephan Pastis"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="pb", @copyright="PEARLS BEFORE SWINE © Stephan Pastis. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf465a8 @id=1346, @name="Perry Bible Fellowship", @short_name="perry-bible-fellowship", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Nicholas Gurewitch"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="pbf", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf45ea0 @id=85, @name="Pickles", @short_name="pickles", @about_html="Pickles, syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group for more than 25 years, tells the story of Earl and Opal Pickles as they enjoy their golden years surrounded by friends and family. A perennial favorite with readers of all ages, Pickles has topped comics polls across the nation again and again, and was named the best comic strip of 2001 by the National Cartoonists’ Society. Cartoonist Brian Crane then won the Reuben Award, the NCS's highest honor, in 2012.", @creators=["Brian Crane"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wppic", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf457c0 @id=348, @name="Pooch Cafe", @short_name="poochcafe", @about_html="Unhinged by his master's marriage to a \"cat person,\" Poncho escapes to Pooch Cafe for some canine camaraderie and to further their plot to rid the Earth of all cats with a giant catapult.", @creators=["Paul Gilligan"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="poc", @copyright="POOCH CAFE © Paul Gilligan. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf44e38 @id=1530, @name="Poorcraft", @short_name="poorcraft", @about_html=nil, @creators=["C. Spike Trotman"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="poor", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf44410 @id=1264, @name="Poorly Drawn Lines", @short_name="poorly-drawn-lines", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Reza Farazmand"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="pdl", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf4bc10 @id=177, @name="Prickly City", @short_name="pricklycity", @about_html="<p><i>Prickly City</i> centers around the friendship between a coyote pup named Winslow and a young girl named Carmen. Carmen is a feisty libertarian-conservative, while Winslow is a coyote with political aspirations. Through it all, Carmen and Winslow are friends to the end.</p>.", @creators=["Scott Stantis"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="prc", @copyright="PRICKLY CITY © Scott Stantis. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf4b558 @id=1480, @name="Questionable Quotebook", @short_name="questionable-quotebook", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Sam Hepburn"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="qn", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf4b008 @id=958, @name="Randolph Itch, 2 a.m.", @short_name="randolphitch", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Tom Toles"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ri", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf4ac20 @id=173, @name="Real Life Adventures", @short_name="reallifeadventures", @about_html="<p><i>Real Life Adventures</i> is the kind of art that sort of imitates life. It is a celebration of the banal by two truly mundane fellows, Lance Aldrich and Gary Wise. It's about stomach noises in business meetings, bugs in your porch light and trying to extract a single hanger from the closet.</p>", @creators=["Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rl", @copyright="REAL LIFE ADVENTURES © GarLanco. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf4a6d0 @id=801, @name="Reality Check", @short_name="realitycheck", @about_html="Cartoonist Dave Whamond offers an offbeat view of the world in Reality Check, a comic panel that exposes the hidden hilarity in everyday situations.", @creators=["Dave Whamond "], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rc", @copyright="REALITY CHECK © Dave Whamond. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf4a090 @id=1368, @name="Rebecca Hendin", @short_name="rebecca-hendin", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Rebecca Hendin"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="reb", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf49af0 @id=84, @name="Red and Rover", @short_name="redandrover", @about_html="<p>Follow the adventures of 10-year-old Red, a boy who dreams of going to space and loves baseball, and his dog Rover, a loyal friend and chaser of squirrels.</p>", @creators=["Brian Basset"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wpred", @copyright="RED AND ROVER © Brian Basset. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf495a0 @id=1094, @name="Richard's Poor Almanac", @short_name="richards-poor-almanac", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Richard Thompson"], @main_category="engineering", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rpa", @copyright="RICHARD'S POOR ALMANAC © Richard Thompson. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf490c8 @id=775, @name="Rip Haywire", @short_name="riphaywire", @about_html="Rip Haywire is an action-packed, silly send-up of the adventure comic strip that takes readers on a roller-coaster ride across the globe and shows how even studly mercenaries get yelled at by their mothers.", @creators=["Dan Thompson"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rh", @copyright="RIP HAYWIRE © Dan Thompson. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf48c90 @id=778, @name="Ripley's Believe It or Not", @short_name="ripleysbelieveitornot", @about_html="<p><i>Ripley's Believe It or Not!</i>, one of the longest-running comic panels in history, continues to fascinate comics readers with unbelievable facts from around the world.</p>", @creators=["Ripley’s Believe It or Not!"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rp", @copyright="RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT © Ripley Entertainment, Inc. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf486c8 @id=811, @name="Rob Rogers", @short_name="robrogers", @about_html="Rob Rogers' editorial cartoons have appeared in the Tribune as well as in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, USA Today and other major newspapers and magazines.", @creators=["Rob Rogers"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="roge", @copyright="ROGERS © Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf53e88 @id=1240, @name="Robbie and Bobby", @short_name="robbie-and-bobby", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Jason Poland"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rab", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf53910 @id=812, @name="Robert Ariail", @short_name="robert-ariail", @about_html="Clever and unpredictable, Ariail skewers politicians on both sides of the political fence with his award-winning cartoons.", @creators=["Robert Ariail"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="aria", @copyright="ROBERT ARIAIL © Spartanburg Herald-Journal. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf53078 @id=478, @name="Rose is Rose", @short_name="roseisrose", @about_html="<p><i>Rose is Rose</i> presents the extraordinary nature of everyday life as seen through the eyes of the Gumbo family.</p>", @creators=["Don Wimmer", "Pat Brady"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="rr", @copyright="ROSE IS ROSE © Pat Brady and Don Wimmer. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf52970 @id=1286, @name="Sarah's Scribbles", @short_name="sarahs-scribbles", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Sarah Andersen"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="sasc", @copyright="SARAH'S SCRIBBLES © Sarah Anderson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf52100 @id=1715, @name="Sherman's Lagoon", @short_name="shermanslagoon", @about_html="Sherman’s Lagoon is an imaginary lagoon somewhere in tropics, inhabited by a cast of sea creatures whose lives are curiously similar to our own. Failed business ventures, disastrous dates, fad diets, and the perils of parenting… When it happens underwater it gives us a fresh and humorous perspective on ourselves.", @creators=["Jim Toomey"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="shl", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf508c8 @id=1331, @name="Shortcuts Classic", @short_name="shortcutsclassic", @about_html="<p><i>Shortcuts Classics</i> by Jeff Harris is a compelling feature that mixes bold, colorful artwork with fun, interesting facts to create a kids' page that entertains as it educates.</p>", @creators=["Jeff Harris"], @main_category="educational", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="shcc", @copyright="SHORTCUTS © Jeff Harris. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf5a490 @id=1528, @name="Sketchshark Comics", @short_name="sketchshark-comics", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Megan Dong"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="sketch", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf59018 @id=1549, @name="Small Potatoes", @short_name="small-potatoes", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Paul Madonna"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="potatoes", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf589d8 @id=1429, @name="Snow Sez", @short_name="snow-sez", @about_html=nil, @creators=["T. Shepherd"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="sez", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf58488 @id=1550, @name="Spirit of the Staircase", @short_name="spirit-of-the-staircase", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Matthew Foltz-Gray"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="sots", @copyright="SPIRIT OF THE STAIR CASE © Matthew Foltz-Gray. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf63dd8 @id=833, @name="Steven V. Roberts", @short_name="steven-roberts", @about_html="Steve Roberts' weekly commentary column offers a no-nonsense analysis of national and international issues. ", @creators=["Steven V. Roberts"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cok", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf63900 @id=1482, @name="Sticky Comics", @short_name="sticky-comics", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Christiann MacAuley"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="sticky", @copyright="STICKY COMICS © Christiann MacAuley. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf631f8 @id=1453, @name="Stone Soup", @short_name="stonesoup", @about_html="Jan Eliot's funny and irreverent Stone Soup follows the saga of an extended, blended family, starring two working-mom sisters living just across the fence from each other. For international syndication only", @creators=["Jan Eliot"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ssc", @copyright="STONE SOUP © Jan Eliot. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf62be0 @id=172, @name="Stuart Carlson", @short_name="stuartcarlson", @about_html="Award-winning editorial cartoons that blend humor and artistry to deliver serious social commentary.", @creators=["Stuart Carlson"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="sc", @copyright="CARLSON © Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf62690 @id=1229, @name="Sunny Street", @short_name="sunny-street", @about_html="With a combination of funny-animals, morphed electronics, quirky people, the evolving universe and many, many more subjects, Max Garcia showcases his daily observations that range from witty and hilarious to biting, dark and grim with a playful twist.\r\nSo take a stroll through Max's cartoon work and keep a sharp eye on the street signs…you may find yourself someday on Sunny Street. ", @creators=["Max G", "Sandy B"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="snt", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf620c8 @id=1646, @name="Swan Eaters", @short_name="swan-eaters", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Georgia Dunn"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="swe", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf61ce0 @id=98, @name="Tank McNamara", @short_name="tankmcnamara", @about_html="Sizzling satire of the absurdities in big-time athletics. ", @creators=["Bill Hinds"], @main_category="sports", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tm", @copyright="TANK MCNAMARA © Millar/Hinds. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf61808 @id=97, @name="Ted Rall", @short_name="ted-rall", @about_html="America's most ferocious political cartoonist.", @creators=["Ted Rall"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tr", @copyright="RALL © Ted Rall. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf611c8 @id=943, @name="Ten Cats", @short_name="ten-cats", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Graham Harrop"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tc", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf607c8 @id=1724, @name="Tex", @short_name="tex", @about_html="TEX is a comic strip about that time in your life when everything feels brand new. Join Tex Clapsaddle, an imaginative eight-year-old boy, and his family as they enjoy every minute of the wild rollercoaster ride of life.", @creators=["Jesse Atwell"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="texx", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf602f0 @id=738, @name="Thatababy", @short_name="thatababy", @about_html="<p>Thatababy's philosophy can be summed up quite neatly: To keep his parents on their toes.</p>", @creators=["Paul Trap"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tab", @copyright="THATABABAY © Paul Trap. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf6bd58 @id=1372, @name="The Adventures of Business Cat", @short_name="the-adventures-of-business-cat", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Tom Fonder"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="abc", @copyright="THE ADVENTURES OF BUSINESS CAT © Tom Fonder. Reprinted with permission of Andrews McMeel Syndication. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf6b628 @id=12, @name="The Argyle Sweater", @short_name="theargylesweater", @about_html="<p>Part subtlety, part irony, part chicken stock, <i>The Argyle Sweater</i> by Scott Hilburn is a modern comic recipe that's light on the heart and warms the soul -- and possibly wets your pants.</p>", @creators=["Scott Hilburn"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tas", @copyright="THE ARGYLE SWEATER © Scott Hilburn. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf6ac00 @id=1323, @name="The Awkward Yeti", @short_name="the-awkward-yeti", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Nick Seluk"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ay", @copyright="THE AWKWARD YETI © Nick Seluk. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf6a2a0 @id=209, @name="The Big Picture", @short_name="thebigpicture", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Lennie Peterson"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bi", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf69c88 @id=215, @name="The Boondocks", @short_name="boondocks", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Aaron McGruder"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bo", @copyright="THE BOONDOCKS © Aaron McGruder. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf69580 @id=469, @name="The Born Loser", @short_name="the-born-loser", @about_html="<p><i>The Born Loser</i> began in 1965 as a strip with no central characters that revolved around the loser theme. Gradually, it developed into the comic we see today, starring lovable loser Brutus Thornapple.</p>", @creators=["Chip Sansom"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bnl", @copyright="THE BORN LOSER © Art and Chip Sansom. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf68b30 @id=800, @name="The Buckets", @short_name="thebuckets", @about_html="<p><i>The Buckets</i> offers a realistic snapshot of modern family life: the worries, the mayhem and the often-overlooked rewards.</p>", @creators=["Greg Cravens "], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="bu", @copyright="THE BUCKETS © Greg Cravens. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf68518 @id=1406, @name="The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day", @short_name="the-comic-strip-that-has-a-finale-every-day", @about_html="John \"Scully\" Scully would like to thank all his loyal readers who, day after day, join him in saying goodbye to the lovable cast of characters to whom we have been bidding a fond farewell. Every day.", @creators=["John \"Scully\" Scully"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fed", @copyright="THE COMIC STRIP THAT HAS A FIANLE EVERY DAY © John \"Scully\" Scully. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf73b70 @id=1359, @name="The Daily Drawing", @short_name="the-daily-drawing", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Lorie Ransom"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tdd", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf70d58 @id=243, @name="The Dinette Set", @short_name="dinetteset", @about_html="<p><i>The Dinette Set</i> is a delightfully wacky single-panel comic that satirizes middle class culture, juxtaposing thought-provoking observations with funny, absurdist background imagery.</p>", @creators=["Julie Larson"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="di", @copyright="THE DINETTE SET © Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf78508 @id=313, @name="The Duplex", @short_name="duplex", @about_html="A man and his dog experience life's ups and downs with the comforting companionship of beer and TV. ", @creators=["Glenn McCoy"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dp", @copyright="THE DUPLEX © Glenn McCoy. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf82fa8 @id=314, @name="The Elderberries", @short_name="theelderberries", @about_html="A group of friends keep life interesting in their retirement community. ", @creators=["Corey Pandolph", "Phil Frank", "Joe Troise"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="eld", @copyright="ELDERBERRIES © Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf82620 @id=318, @name="The Flying McCoys", @short_name="theflyingmccoys", @about_html="<p>Award-winning humorists and cartoonists Gary and Glenn McCoy create a one-of-a-kind comic panel.</p>", @creators=["Glenn McCoy", "Gary McCoy"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fmc", @copyright="THE FLYING MCCOYS © Glenn and Gary McCoy. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf81d88 @id=320, @name="The Fusco Brothers", @short_name="thefuscobrothers", @about_html="<p>Slightly off-beat, but always on target, <i>The Fusco Brothers</i> will always give what you didn't expect.</p>", @creators=["J.C. Duffy"], @main_category="relationships", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fu", @copyright="FUSCO BROTHERS © J.C. DUFFY. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf81680 @id=326, @name="The Grizzwells", @short_name="thegrizzwells", @about_html="<p>For a family strip with bite, you can't do better than <i>The Grizzwells</i>, starring a four-bear family of grizzlies.</p>", @creators=["Bill Schorr"], @main_category="animals", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="gw", @copyright="The Grizzwells © Bill Schorr. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf81068 @id=799, @name="The Knight Life", @short_name="theknightlife", @about_html="<p><i>The Knight Life</i> is a hilariously twisted view of life through the eyes and pen of its creator, community-oriented urban hipster and award-winning cartoonist Keith Knight.</p>", @creators=["Keith Knight"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="kl", @copyright="THE KNIGHT LIFE © Keith Knight. Reprinted by permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf80870 @id=1204, @name="The Lockhorns", @short_name="lockhorns", @about_html="For more than 50 years, fans have followed the lives of Loretta and Leroy Lockhorn in hundreds of newspapers. Since 1968, THE LOCKHORNS' snappy repartee and witty banter have made them a perennial reader favorite. Leroy is brash, opinionated and abrasive, and Loretta is his stabilizing influence. (Except when it comes to cooking. Then she's every bit as dangerous as Leroy.) But no matter what problems come their way, they realize they're together till death do them part ... and they wouldn't have it any other way! ", @creators=["Bunny Hoest", "John Reiner"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="lkh", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf800c8 @id=1679, @name="The Postscript", @short_name="postscript", @about_html="The Postscript is always 600 words, often funny, usually thoughtful, and never political. In a world where there is no shortage of dire news, The Postscript provides a small dose of positivity each week. Columnist Carrie Classon started the column in 2009, where it ran in the InterCounty Leader in Frederic, Wisconsin for 255 consecutive weeks. ", @creators=["Carrie Classon"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="post", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf8af28 @id=1313, @name="The Wandering Melon", @short_name="the-wandering-melon", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Mike Shiell"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wml", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf8a5c8 @id=1475, @name="The Worried Well", @short_name="the-worried-well", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Dana Maier"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tww", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf89b78 @id=1692, @name="Today's Szep", @short_name="todays-szep", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Paul Szep"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="dsz", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf89538 @id=148, @name="Tom the Dancing Bug", @short_name="tomthedancingbug", @about_html="<p>A unique hybrid of editorial and comic strip cartooning, <i>Tom the Dancing Bug</i> deftly and uproariously tackles a wide range of subject matter, including political and social commentary.</p>", @creators=["Ruben Bolling"], @main_category="science", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="td", @copyright="TOM THE DANCING BUG © Ruben Bolling. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf88cc8 @id=94, @name="Tom Toles", @short_name="tomtoles", @about_html="One of the country's highest-profile and most influential editorial cartoonists.", @creators=["Tom Toles"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tt", @copyright="TOLES © The Washington Post. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf93c18 @id=38, @name="Too Much Coffee Man", @short_name="toomuchcoffeeman", @about_html="<p><i>Too Much Coffee Man</i> is the humorous product of an over-caffeinated imagination. Sometimes there are cats.</p>", @creators=["Shannon Wheeler"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="tmcm", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf92ed0 @id=1745, @name="UFO", @short_name="ufo", @about_html="Somewhere in the vastness of space exists a small planet called UFO. On it is a two-star hotel run by Quagmire and Melrose, brothers who have been abducted from Earth. Quagmire is the overbearing older brother who manages the hotel while Melrose is his put-upon bellhop. The desk clerk is Cyril, a supercilious avian who brooks no nonsense. Frank and Earl are the air traffic controllers who guide incoming aliens to the planet.", @creators=["Graham Harrop"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="ufo", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf91cb0 @id=796, @name="Uncle Art's Funland", @short_name="uncleartsfunland", @about_html="<p><i>Uncle Art's Funland</i> provides hours of entertainment and education for kids of all ages. Jokes, word games, math challenges, connect the dots, optical illusions and crosswords are just some of the puzzles found in the Sunday feature.</p>", @creators=["Art Nugent"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="fl", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf90dd8 @id=435, @name="Views of the World", @short_name="viewsoftheworld", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwvwo", @copyright="VIEWSOFTHEWORLD © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf902c0 @id=429, @name="ViewsAfrica", @short_name="viewsafrica", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwvaf", @copyright="VIEWSAFRICA © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf9bdf0 @id=430, @name="ViewsAmerica", @short_name="viewsamerica", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwvam", @copyright="VIEWSAMERICA © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf9b918 @id=431, @name="ViewsAsia", @short_name="viewsasia", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwvas", @copyright="VIEWSASIA © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf9b3c8 @id=437, @name="ViewsBusiness", @short_name="viewsbusiness", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwbus", @copyright="VIEWSBUSINESS © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf9aef0 @id=432, @name="ViewsEurope", @short_name="viewseurope", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwveu", @copyright="VIEWSEUROPE © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf9a810 @id=433, @name="ViewsLatinAmerica", @short_name="viewslatinamerica", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwvla", @copyright="VIEWSLATINAMERICA © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf9a338 @id=434, @name="ViewsMidEast", @short_name="viewsmideast", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Cartoon Movement-US"], @main_category="politics", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="cwvme", @copyright="VIEWSMIDEAST © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf99de8 @id=1058, @name="Viivi & Wagner", @short_name="viivi-and-wagner", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Juba"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="juba", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf997a8 @id=62, @name="W.T. Duck", @short_name="wtduck", @about_html="<p><i>W.T. Duck</i> is the story of a fine feathered photographer as he struggles with deadbeat clients, incompetent colleagues and clueless bosses.</p>", @creators=["Aaron Johnson"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wtd", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf98fd8 @id=1411, @name="Wallace the Brave", @short_name="wallace-the-brave", @about_html="<p><i>Wallace the Brave</i> follows a strong, quirky family living in the quaint town of Snug Harbor. At the center of their adventure is Wallace, the adventurous eldest of two brothers. With his friends from Moonstone Elementary School by his side, Wallace experiences the thrills of childhood with the youthful bravery of a six-year-old.</p>", @creators=["Will Henry"], @main_category="family", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wtb", @copyright="WALLACE THE BRAVE © Will Henry. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf98998 @id=1754, @name="Wannabe", @short_name="wannabe", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Luca Debus"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wanb", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcf98358 @id=1531, @name="Warped", @short_name="warped", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Michael Cavna"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="warped", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa3cd0 @id=1326, @name="WaynoVision", @short_name="waynovision", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Wayno"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wayne", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa3690 @id=813, @name="Win, Lose, Drew", @short_name="drewlitton", @about_html="Cartoonist Drew Litton satirically slam-dunks one of America's greatest passions - sports.", @creators=["Drew Litton"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="litt", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa2df8 @id=826, @name="Working Daze", @short_name="working-daze", @about_html="<p>Working Daze centers around the working relationships of a group of mostly geeks who work for MacroMicroMedia, a giant, impersonal software company.</p>\n<p>— Jay Johnstone, the everyman programmer. Years with the company have made him a bit cynical, and not a bit richer.</p>\n<p>— Roy Hobbs, the engineer/repair guy. An expert with computers and machines, but he doesn't have a clue how to deal with people.</p>\n<p>— Rita McMann, the evil manager. She thinks \"rock bottom line\" - unless it would mean her suffering.</p>\n<p>— Dana Powers, the overworked office manager. Don't cross her - if you want to go home unharmed. She has strange powers.</p>\n<p>— Ed Kennedy, the lazy veteran programmer. He expends far more energy avoiding work than working.</p>\n<p>— Carolina Lopez, web guru. She's smart and pretty and she knows it. Bilingual, and her second language isn't Klingon.</p>\n<p>— Kathy Moon, Roy's girlfriend, and fellow geek. Their relationship has its ones and its zeroes, but it's a real love.</p>\n<p>— Sal Bandi, a weasel: he's not good with people or machines, so of course he's in customer service.</p>\n<p>— Andrew Norton, graphic designer, office cool guy. Good with people; not so good with computers.</p>\n<p>— Sue Smith, tech writer and office busybody. Jealous that others have more power or are more popular.</p>\n<p>— Medusa, the gorgon, who also works for MacroMicroMedia. She can turn you to stone with her glare. Don't annoy her.</p>\n<p>— CJ Rapps, an intern. She was once the favorite niece of the CEO, but he's since left, so she's on her own.</p>\n<p>— Elena Belloff, a professional hypnotist hired by Rita to motivate the staff.</p>\n<p>— Lila Powers, Dana's mother, and more dangerously powerful. She had a crush on Ed but got bored with him.</p>\n<p>— Mrs. Jenson, an elderly woman working in the archives. Nobody remembers to whom she reports, so they're stuck with her.</p>", @creators=["John Zakour and Scott Roberts"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wd", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa2088 @id=895, @name="World of Wonder", @short_name="world-of-wonder", @about_html="World of Wonder is a weekly illustrated feature page devoted to exploring educational themes and examining the realms of history, science, nature and technology.", @creators=["Laurie Triefeldt"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wow", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa18b8 @id=1364, @name="Wrong Hands", @short_name="wrong-hands", @about_html=nil, @creators=["John Atkinson"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wh", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa12a0 @id=1247, @name="WuMo", @short_name="wumo", @about_html="<p><i>Wumo</i> is a delightfully irreverent one-panel comic strip that celebrates the absurdities of modern life. Populated by crazy beavers, disgruntled office workers, feuding married couples, gangster rappers and pool-playing unicorns, <i>Wumo</i> is an instant classic.<p>", @creators=["Wulff & Morgenthaler"], @main_category="entertainment", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="wm", @copyright="WUMO © Wulffmorgenthanler. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa09e0 @id=1631, @name="Yaffle", @short_name="yaffle", @about_html=nil, @creators=["Jeffrey Caulfield and Brian Ponshock"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="yaff", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa0238 @id=1748, @name="Yeah It’s Chill", @short_name="yeah-its-chill", @about_html="Yeah, It's Chill is a comic centered around a relatable protagonist navigating modern life. The comic delves into subjects including mental health, fashion, friendship. the comics explore the mundane and turn it into work that connects with readers.", @creators=["Christine Rai"], @main_category=nil, @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="yeah", @copyright=nil, @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>, #<Feature:0x00007f19dcfa7b00 @id=81, @name="Ziggy", @short_name="ziggy", @about_html="<p>Ziggy, America's lovable loser, has been inspiring readers for decades. And he still brings smiles to millions of readers every day. También disponible en Español.</p>", @creators=["Tom Wilson & Tom II"], @main_category="religion", @about="", @byline="", @feature_code="zi", @copyright="ZIGGY © ZIGGY AND FRIENDS, INC. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.", @thumbnail_url="", @feature_assets=[], @requires_followup=false>]
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