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Ted Rall - Friday April 22, 2016 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Ted Rall - Friday April 22, 2016 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 500x381 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 5922680

RALL © Ted Rall. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Narrator: Confusing news: Canada plans to ban "suicide tourism" by terminally ill Americans who want to euthanize themselves. Security guard: Stop, you hosers! Or we won't shoot! Narrator: How exactly is this going to work? Man: We're asking canadians to hide sharp objects and tear down tall buildings. Narrator: Will they administer a happiness test at the border? Anyway... Man: I'll build you a huge wall to keep out the hordes of suicidal Americans. Narrator: Why don't patriotic Americans give their business to American first responders and funeral homes? Police Officer: America made you want to die. Let Americans process your corpse!