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Ted Rall - Monday August 21, 2000 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Ted Rall - Monday August 21, 2000 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 500x385 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 911063

RALL © Ted Rall. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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During the 1980s, Ronald Reagan ran up a trillion dollars in debt by slashing taxes for rich people and buying useless weapons. (Man: My plan is to give your money to a few rich folks on the off chance they'll give you some of it back.) (Man 2: I dunno.) (Man 3: He's an actor! Count me in!) He put an entire generation into debt by trashing college financial aid, turned lunatics into homeless people and imported cocaine into the U.S. to fund right-wing central American terrorists. (Man 4: "Unemployed wharton M.B.A." very impressive!) (Woman: "Depressed debtee from dartmouth" that's so cute!) Predictably, the economy tanked. From 1987 to 1995, un- and under-employed soared. No one could sell their homes because everyone was broke. (Man 5: How about that gulf war, huh? We sure got rid of that Saddam Hussein! Pretty cool, huh?) Finally, two decases after Regan's failure, we're barely starting to pay off his debts- thanks to a tiny surplus in tax collections. (Man 6: Damn those free-spending liberals!