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Stone Soup International Sundays - Sunday February 28, 2021 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Stone Soup International Sundays - Sunday February 28, 2021 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x293 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 9428549

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Stone Soup by Jan Eliot Holly: SNIFF Val: Holly? What's wrong? Val: School? Boys? Funny bangs? It'll pass... Holly: NO! SOB Val: After all, look what you've got to look forward to! High school, college, and college sweethearts! Maybe a summer bumming through Europe...your first "bachelorette" apartment and the start of some exciting career. Val: Please, what could be SO bad in YOUR life? Holly: WAIL! Val: YOU'RE not the one who married young and missed her care-free twenties! Who got stuck in a dead-end job as sole support of her family, with little chance for romance or excitement ANYWHERE on the horizon!! Holly: SNIFF? Holly: Thanks, Mom! That helped a LOT! Val: SNIFF Joan: Val?