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Stone Soup International Sundays - Sunday October 4, 2020 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Stone Soup International Sundays - Sunday October 4, 2020 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x293 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 9162770

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Stone Soup by Jan Eliot Holly: Here's a story about a guy who fired 11,500 people from one corporation. TIMES Holly: After that, his company's stock increased by 40%. He got a big bonus, and was hired by another company to do the same thing. Apparently firing people is good for business. Alix: Could Mom lose HER job? Holly: Maybe. But they say there'll be new jobs to replace the old ones... Holly: Except they'll pay less. So, some people might make less at retirement than they did in their 20s. Holly: But according to this, that's OK, because it's good for business, and what's good for business is good for the rest of us. Mostly. Alix: Even all those people who got fired? Val: No, they're toast. But business looks at the BIG picture.