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Stone Soup International Sundays - Sunday January 31, 2016 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Stone Soup International Sundays - Sunday January 31, 2016 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x293 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 5692166

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Stone Soup by Jan Eliot Catching up with the Stone clan... Joan and Wally see winter differently. Joan: BRRR! Wally: It's a balmy 31°! Gramma is back in Cape Town... Gramma Evie: Don't tell the family I'm on my second bottle of sunscreen. Val is learning to cook for 4... Val: Truthfully, I never knew how to cook for 3. Andy is contemplating college... Andy: Yup. Those are catalogs. Holly is barely surviving middle school. Holly: You grade on the curve, right? And Phil is getting used to family life. FLUSH! Phil: AIEEEEE!