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Richard's Poor Almanac - Saturday November 14, 2020 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Richard's Poor Almanac - Saturday November 14, 2020 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 514x1200 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 5139054

RICHARD'S POOR ALMANAC © Richard Thompson. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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richard's poor almanac ice cream to avoid by richard thompson kids! when the ice cream man shows up, don't buy these! boy 1: no! blup big meltdown - fudge center reacts violently when exposed to air. girl: eeyuk gothic swirl - like having a tiny, ice cream chartres cathedral! and who wants that? boy 2: ngyah! fantodpop - lifeless, staring bubblegum eyes will haunt you for life. boy 3: i can't reach the ice cream. swabsicle - puny wad of vanilla ice cream atop a yard-long stick. girl 2: ben franklin? i wanted ronald reagan. "greatest american" pop = unnecessary discovery channel tie-in. girl 3: ow. cruncharoo - contains shards of hard candy, nuts & possibly gravel. boy 4: "does the vanilla fudge ripple remember the cow?" what th- koanpop - the stick is imprinted with a zen paradox for meditation. girl 4: heyyyy- mummybar - years in cold storage have permanently welded wrapper to ice cream.