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Richard's Poor Almanac - Thursday January 23, 2014 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Richard's Poor Almanac - Thursday January 23, 2014 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x838 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 3839477

RICHARD'S POOR ALMANAC © Richard Thompson. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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a few local snow sculptors discuss their work the shoveler, ed pitney, takoma park. "it's a tragic portrait of modern man in his futile battle with indifferent nature, pausing to have a back spasm." replica of the east building of the national gallery (lifesize), bob delgade, hyattsville. "it was an accident, really. i shoveled out my driveway & that's how it piled up. in '96 i accidentally did the hirshhorn." bob ryan heroic bust of bob ryan, joy roop, dc. "this piece just flowed from my sub-conscious after staring at weather-man bob ryan on tv for 3 days." the awakening (verso), milo hubka, arlington. "i thought, what if i turn the hains point sculpture upside down so his rear end's stickin' out? and boy, do the neighbors hate it!"