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Pat Oliphant - Thursday January 15, 1998 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Pat Oliphant - Thursday January 15, 1998 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x369 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 254717

OLIPHANT © ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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NBC Executive: ABC and ESPN outbid me for the big football shows! Just look at me - I'm all washed up. Can you imagine? 4.4 billion from ABC and 4.8 billion from ESPN...Jeez! ... And I have to go with some dumb hospital show which costs just about as much. Native man: But who pays all this money? NBC executive: Are you kidding? The advertisers pay a fortune to be on these shows. Native: But where to they get all this money? NBC executive: Why, they pass the costs along to the boobeoisie - Joe Sixpack and company. Native: Then the prices must rise on everything else. NBC Executive: It's market driven - man! You have so much to learn about wretched excess! Native: You must teach me - my GNP is only $14.98. Punk: Sigh. Mine too.