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Peanuts - Sunday August 22, 1999 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Peanuts - Sunday August 22, 1999 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x403 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 547066

PEANUTS © Peanuts Worldwide LLC. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Sallys stands by the sandbox on the playground and yells "Stupid kid!"<BR><BR> Sally walks back to her house and says, "Is her ever gonna be sorry!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown and Snoopy sit on the couch. Sally says, "There's a kid down at the playground who insulted me.. I need to borrow your dog to bite him on the leg.."<BR><BR> SNoopy follows Sally out of the house and thinks, "Make sure he rolls his sock down.. I hate to bite through a sock.."<BR><BR> Sally stands next to a boy holding a basketball and wearing a baseball cap. Sally says, "Okay, Kid! Either you apopgize, or this mean dog bites you on the leg!"<BR><BR> The kids gets ready to shoot a basket and says, "All right, I apologize..." Sally says, "You do?"<BR><BR> Sally turns back to Snoopy and says, "He apologized.."<BR><BR> Sally and Snoopy walk back to the house. SAlly says, "I don't think you wanted to bite him on the leg anyway did you?" Snoopy says, "It's too far to bend over..."<BR><BR>


pets, kids