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Poorly Drawn Lines - Friday August 21, 2015 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Poorly Drawn Lines - Friday August 21, 2015 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 543x1200 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 5346964

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Marmalade: Dude, Kevin got kidnapped. Ernesto: Again? -sigh- how much do they want for him? Marmalade: Eighty-five dollars. Ernesto: That seems cheap. Marmalade: It's a good deal. Ernesto: Do we have to pay shipping? Marmalade: $20 shipping. Ernesto: See? That's where they get you. Marmalade: It's always the hidden fees. Elsewhere: FedEx?! Do you think I'm made of money?