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Non Sequitur - Sunday July 21, 2013 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Non Sequitur - Sunday July 21, 2013 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 302x1200 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 3392197

NON SEQUITUR © Wiley Ink, Inc.. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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"Warning! Do not break fourth wall!" Lucy: Uh...what does it mean to break the fourth wall? Danae: Let's see...ah, here it's an imaginary wall between fictional characters and an audience, and it's broken when a character recognizes their own fictionality. Lucy:'s an imaginary wall that's broken by fictional characters who point out they're not real? Danae: Um...yeah, I guess so. Lucy: Then it's not anything we need to worry about, right? Danae: Duh...of course not. As long as we stay away from those weirdos. Lucy: problemo.