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Non Sequitur - Sunday September 9, 2007 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Non Sequitur - Sunday September 9, 2007 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 300x1170 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 629275

NON SEQUITUR © Wiley Ink, Inc.. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Ordinary Basil Returning home after his harrowing adventure on the Island of the Volcano Monkeys, Basil found himself actually looking forward to going back to an ordinary life. He laughed to himself as he realized this notion came to him as he flew home on Beatrice, Louise's pet pteranodon. "Have you ever seen the six-legged frogs of the Masivodious Desert?" Louise asked with wry innocence. "" Basil stammered, knowing Louise well enough by now to realize that this was a leading question. "Well, we need to stop somewhere anyway, and it's on the way...sort of..." Louis said confidently as daylight began to fade. "We'll be there soon." "I wasn't worried," replied Basil rather unconvincingly. Louise gave a tug on the reins to steer her mighty pet in a different direction. Home would have to wait one more day. Soon, a huge glacier mountain range loomed ahead. Beatrice thrust her enormous wings harder and faster to gain altitude, soaring over the impenetrable mountain peaks. They found a small plateau overlooking a vast desert to land on and set up for the night. "I guess we'll have to wait for morning to see those six-legged frogs," Basil surmised as darkness descended on this strange land. "No..." Louise replied with a knowing smile, "...this is the best time to see them!" Suddenly, a blinding light shot up into the night sky...from beneath the desert floor! "See?" Louise shouted excitedly. "There's one now!" Basil began to sense that his return to an ordinary life might take a little longer than he expected.