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Luann - Sunday February 5, 2017 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Luann - Sunday February 5, 2017 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x293 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 6396145

LUANN © GEC Inc. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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professor: let's consider this work by picasso, "l'acrobate." luann, what does this piece say to you? luann: uh... professor: uh? luann: i'm sorry professor zebo. but it doesn't say anything to me. i don't even get why it's "art" professor: i see, well. perhaps picasso was speaking to someone with a more aesthetic appreciation guy: no, i don't get it either guy2: he said aesthetic not athletic