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Get Fuzzy - Sunday August 4, 2002 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Get Fuzzy - Sunday August 4, 2002 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x292 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 1399803

GET FUZZY © Darby Conley. Used By permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Rob and Satchel are in the kitchen. Rob says: "Sorry, Satch, they didn't have the chew toy you wanted." Satchel replies: "Oh...That's OK..." Rob holds up a can and says: "But to make up for it, I got your favorite canned food and I'm going to prepare it just the way you like it." Satchel asks: "You mean...?..." Rob says: "That's right. I'm going to scoop it right on the floor." Satchel replies: "Food off the floor! It's like my BIRTHDAY!" Bucky says: "Jeez, are you going to pre-chew it for him, too?"