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DeFlocked - Sunday September 13, 2009 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

DeFlocked - Sunday September 13, 2009 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x295 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 7423154

DEFLOCKED © Jeff Corriveau, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication. All rights reserved.

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What are you two doing? We're holding a ceremony for the end of summer. It's a rite of passage. Into the fire goes joy, enchantment, and careless adventure... And out of the ashes flies burden, routine, and menial labor. As an adult, things get a lot ashier. Add abstract nuggets of wisdom to the flames. We end by sacrificing the last melon of the season, and marching towards the sun, as it browns our hopes into the choking coils of the equinox... Hey, guys, it's not that bad. Sure, summer's gone, but now we can look forward to school... And harvesting... And... Shoring everything up for winter... And...