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Doonesbury - Sunday December 25, 2016 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Doonesbury - Sunday December 25, 2016 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x293 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 6349541

DOONESBURY © G. B. Trudeau. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Rev. Sloan: 'Tis the season to be... merry? Really? Not feelin' it this year... Trump: ...and when I become president, we're going to be saying "Merry Christmas" at every store! Rev. Sloan: That's rich... Trump isn't even a practicing Christian! He's biblically illiterate and utterly void of a single Christian virtue! I realize it's not a requirement that the president be devout, or even a believer... but c'mon, Christmas for Trump is nothing more than a marble lobby full of shopper! Trump: ...and you can leave your "Happy Holidays" at the corner! Boopsie: Oh, no... Rev. Sloan: What? Boopsie: I have 200 cards that say that. Rev. Sloan: Merry Christmas.