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Doonesbury - Sunday December 27, 2015 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Doonesbury - Sunday December 27, 2015 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x293 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 5559322

DOONESBURY © G. B. Trudeau. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Man: Hey, The Donnie! How's it going? Trump: Fine, Paul. But I have to tell you, you're a terrible person! It's sad. Man: See you later, The Donnie. Narrator: Junior High with The Donnie. Trump: I like Ben! He seems like a nice guy, but he hangs around with little kids, so he could be a perv! But I don't know, I genuinely don't know! So I only say nice things! But Carly's a disaster, am I right? Look at that face! She's a 2 at best! When I start dating I'm only going out with 12's! And they'll be stacked like you wouldn't believe! You know who hasn't a clue? Jeb! Very, very weak, I must tell you! Throws like a girl! An extremely unattractive girl! It's disgusting to see. That math quiz today? Full of gotcha questions! Was Mr. McGee drunk when he wrote it? It's possible. He has horrible breath, I can tell you that! This guy! Marcos, Marky, whatever? Total lightweight! Sweats constantly, has some condition! It's horrible. Very sad. You hate to see it. Talked to the new Brown kid yet? Bobby? He looks terroristy, but who's to say? He could know terrorists, but not actually be one! It's possible!