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Doonesbury - Tuesday June 22, 2010 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Doonesbury - Tuesday June 22, 2010 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x191 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 304031

DOONESBURY © G. B. Trudeau. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Voice: We may have a slick new PR team, folks, but that BP CEO's a liar! A weasel! A bloodsucking... Boopsie: That's it! B.D., I've had it with cable psychos! We need to find another source of news! B.D.: Way ahead of you. Boopsie: What do you mean? B.D.: We're going back to the future. I re-upped our paper subscription! Sam: It looks like a limp iPad. Zonker: It's called a newspaper, Sam! Go ahead, pick it up!