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ViewsAmerica - Sunday November 15, 2020 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

ViewsAmerica - Sunday November 15, 2020 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 500x429 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 9305172

VIEWSAMERICA © CartoonArts International/CWS. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Trump Truth Presidential Plans Make America a Great Again! Again in 2024! Presidential Bunker Bomb Shelter Safe Room I should shut up about their stolen election? Why? To coddle Biden supporters? What have they ever done for me? They claim I'm leaving behind rampant Covid? Economic collapse? National security concerns? I take no responsibility for any of that. Their problems now. Anyhow, my patriotic supporters don't buy it! They know I've got beautiful plans for 2024! And they're already contributing to my cause. And getting free Trump MAGA II hats for donations of $250 or more! One-size-fits-all!!