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9 Chickweed Lane - Friday December 15, 2006 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

9 Chickweed Lane - Friday December 15, 2006 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 1200x400 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 1128285

9 CHICKWEED LANE © Brooke McEldowney. Used By Permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All Rights Reserved.

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"...Coating, and I recall that your lips kept moving against mine, sort of as if you were trying to say the word 'wombat,' or 'wobstah wole'...or maybe it was 'wimbawah.'" First kiss revisited, cont. "I couldn't ascertain which, and the general lip dampness obscured any which point it hit me - You might just be kissing me. Thus, notwithstanding that earlier annelid simile accompanied by a distinct queasiness, I began to suspect affectionate undertones. Still, the question as to what you could possibly mean by 'wimbawah'..."