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Calvin and Hobbes - Sunday June 28, 1992 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Calvin and Hobbes - Sunday June 28, 1992 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x414 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 3036395

CALVIN AND HOBBES © Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Calvin: Calvin the ant puts down his grain of sand. He's sick of working all the time! He hates cooperating with all the other ants! Calvin doesn't want to labor for the benefit of the colony! He's an individual. With his own needs and desires! From now on, Calvin the ant calls his own shots! Let some other sap do the queen's bidding! Mom: IF you won't help us around the house, why should we work to feed and shelter you?? Calvin: Calvin the flea sucks the blood of his angry host in parasitic contentment!