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Calvin and Hobbes - Wednesday May 24, 1989 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Calvin and Hobbes - Wednesday May 24, 1989 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x188 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 75752

CALVIN AND HOBBES © Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

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Calvin: Stop the car! It's still rolling! Hobbes: The driveway must be slanted downhill! Calvin: It's going faster! Whoa! Whoa! Hobbes: Jump in and pull the emergency brake! Calvin: I can't catch the door! Oh, no! Oh, no! Hobbes: It's going to go into the road! Don't follow it! Calvin: Look out! Wild car!!