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The Boondocks - Friday June 27, 2003 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

The Boondocks - Friday June 27, 2003 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x196 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 3950851

THE BOONDOCKS © Aaron McGruder. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Do you have questions regarding licensing this comic strip?

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Voice on phone: White House... Huey: Hey, it's Huey again. Just wondering if you guys found any of those massive stockpiles of chemical weapons yet? Voice on phone: No! You've called here eight times in the last hour and we still haven't found them!! Stop calling us!! Caeser: I think I can actually hear my childhood passing me by. Huey: C'mon... one more call! They're just starting to get really mad...


weapons, war