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The Boondocks - Sunday March 25, 2001 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

The Boondocks - Sunday March 25, 2001 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x300 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 71922

THE BOONDOCKS © Aaron McGruder. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Huey: I can't believe it...I'm going to lose again... Riley: See, Huey, when I play this game, I gotta represent where I'm from, you know... Huey: We're both from Chicago, idiot... Riley: No...I mean I gotta represent my stomping grounds... Huey: We live in the same town! What are you talking about? We live on the same street in the same house and sleep in the same room...exactly what are you "representing"? Riley: Check this out... Diving header...GOOOOAAALLL!!! Left side of the bedroom, fool!!! What!?!!! What?!!!