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The Boondocks - Tuesday July 13, 1999 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

The Boondocks - Tuesday July 13, 1999 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 599x190 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 72368

THE BOONDOCKS © Aaron McGruder. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Granddad: Why didn't you say you were listening to Lauryn Hill. Here you can have these back... Riley: Shhhh! Not so loud. See, I have a certain thuggish reputation to uphold, so could you please not tell anyone I was listening to Lauryn Hill? Granddad: Sure thing. Hey, Huey!! Riley here is listening to Lauryn Hill!! I guess he's getting in touch with his sensitive side!! Hee-hee. What's that word you kids use..."Sike"?