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Breaking Cat News - Sunday March 5, 2017 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Breaking Cat News - Sunday March 5, 2017 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x2010 300 dpi
  • Format: image/jpeg
  • ID: 6172442

BREAKING CAT NEWS © Georgia Dunn. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Beatrix: Desk is polished, sources are double checked, and I rinsed all the mugs! What are the station's social media passwords? Lupin: Oh-we don't really- Elvis: No, we don't do that. Beatrix: What? It's the 21st century! How does the station tweet?! Elvis: Beatrix. Birds have their own news. Beatrix: Whew! Ok. Not to worry. I'm appointing myself "social media intern". All in favor, say "Aye". Aye! Elvis: Maybe we could ask Burt to set up- Beatrix: No need! Just set up a twitter account for the station. Elvis: Is that a bank? Beatrix: @breakingcatnews Elvis: I don't want my name on this. Beatrix: Smile!- Elvis: Never! Beatrix: Done! Elvis: Wait! Beatrix: Posted! Elvis: What? How are you doing this so fast?! Beatrix: My many toes are a natural texting-tweeting advantage!