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Breaking Cat News - Saturday March 4, 2017 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Breaking Cat News - Saturday March 4, 2017 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x2951 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 6173240

BREAKING CAT NEWS © Georgia Dunn. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Lupin: I've just been handed a bulletin-the doorbell rant! Puck: Someone at the door, drop to the floor. Woman: Hey! Visitor: Hey! Your books came in! And I've got a Christmas cactus cutting for you! Oh, hello. Beatrix: Good afternoon! Who are you here to see? If it's Elvis, I'm afraid he's stuck in a very important meeting. Puck: The Woman put Elvis in the bedroom when the doorbell rang. Elvis: ...Dear Woman, How dare you lay this insult upon me- Puck: Sometimes he swipes at company. Visitor: Is this the little lady your fostering? Beatrix: Oh, is that a plant? Woman: Sure is! She's quite the climber! Visitor: Wow! She is busy! Woman: She pretty much runs the place. Beatrix: Fluff the couch pillows... Adjust the window shade. Push the fern just a little to the left- Woman: Again? She will not stop moving this plant! Visitor: She's doing you a favor! A maiden hair fern shouldn't be in direct sun! It needs shade. Beatrix: Oh my cat! I've been trying to tell her that all week! Woman: Beatrix seems really fond of plants...Hey! Need a bookstore cat? Visitor: Ha! I'm not much of a cat person. Well...that's not entirely true. There's an ancient little grey cat who wanders over to the shop sometimes from Quinn farms. I like her. And I think there was a cat sleeping in my greenhouse a couple of winters ago- Woman: Every bookstore should have a cat. Visitor: Eh. I don't think Trevor would agree to a cat. Woman: You never know, he could surprise you! Visitor: Still...kinda cool to meet someone who shares my love of plants. Beatrix: Same, new people-friend!