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Breaking Cat News - Friday December 23, 2016 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Breaking Cat News - Friday December 23, 2016 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x815 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 6173030

BREAKING CAT NEWS © Georgia Dunn. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Princess: Father O'Kittery! Father: Why, Princess, my girl, what's wrong? Princess: My sister needs to cancel her wedding. Angora: Father, can you forgive me? Princess: No need to cancel the cake, right? I mean, it's already here- Father: There, there Angora Taggart. Cat has done well to guide you here- Snowball: He certainly has! Kit: C'mon man- Angora: Father?! What are you doing here? Snowball: I'm here to prance my baby down the aisle! Also, this ruffian tried to catnap me. Angora: Kit?! Kit: Hello, Angora. Brad and Dr. Mittens were going to fake your father's death- Snowball: Because Brad would do anything to be with you! Sister: My cat, you are the worst. It doesn't bother you Brad was going to fake your death?! Probably to steal our company?! Snowball: Not at all! How do you think I married your mother? Sister: Unreal. Snowball: We can't all run away with sea captains- Your grandfather's been secretly alive for years- Sister: Yeah, well-I wish mom was secretly alive to see this. Snowball: How dare you! You know I never got over Snowbelle's death in that untimely helicopter crash! Sister: None of us did. Snowball: Angora! My hear! Your sister is killing me! With her awfulness- Angora: You know what? I'm sitting this one out, dad. Where did you go, Kit? Kit: To be honest, I thought you loved- Snowball: Brad! Brad: Yes, yes, it's me. And I'm armed! Angora: Oh my cat! They have no-no spray bottles! Dr. Mittens: No one be a bad kitty!