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Arlo and Janis - Friday October 23, 1998 Comic Strip Licensing and Permissions

Arlo and Janis - Friday October 23, 1998 Comic Strip
  • Resolution: 600x182 300 dpi
  • Format: image/gif
  • ID: 1295877

ARLO & JANIS © Johnson. Used By Permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION for UFS. All Rights Reserved.

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The king shoves his daughter towards Arlo. The caption reads: "'You must be wealthy,' said the king. 'You may marry my daughter.'" Arlo says, "Seems king of sudden." Ludwig pokes Arlo with a sword and the caption reads, "The little man was very pleased and agreed at once." Ludwig and other people are dancing. The caption reads: "There was a huge feast that night and Puss lead everyone in a dance." A dancer sings, "Hey, macarena!" Arlo and Janis sit beside one another. The caption reads, "The little man, his new bride and Puss lived on in the castle." Janis leans over and says, "And where is the boudoir?" Arlo answers, "I have no idea."